Renner starts using electric vehicles to distribute products in SP

4 August 2023

Renner has started using two 100% electric vehicles to distribute merchandise at its stores in the city of São Paulo. The new project is yet another initiative aligned with the public sustainability commitments of the largest omni fashion retailerin Brazil, which include reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in its operations.

The pilot phase includes a van and an urban cargo vehicle ( VUC) from a logistics partner. They add up to 8.9 tons of transport capacity per trip and initially supply 71 points of sale in the city of São Paulo from the company's distribution centers (DCs) in the state of São Paulo, where they have their batteries recharged.

With features such as regenerative braking, the vehicles run up to 300 and 350 kilometers between each recharge. The expectation is that they run, in total, more than 90 thousand kilometers per year. As they do not emit carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), this will prevent the release of 40 tons of CO 2 into the atmosphere during this period.

"We want to be an agent of transformation in our sector, which is why we have a broad and consistent sustainability strategy that covers the different areas of the business. The incorporation of these electric vehicles to our transport route in São Paulo is part of the search for solutions to make our logistics operation increasingly sustainable, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions", comments the director of Supply Chain at Lojas Renner, Pedro Pereira .

Other initiatives –  This year, Lojas Renner SA also expanded its night supply project for stores in São Paulo, increasing the number of units served by this model by 50%. The initiative generates a 33% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, in addition to contributing to urban mobility in the city. The intention is to expand this practice to other large urban centers.

In addition, one of the retailer's DCs, located in the city of Cabreúva (SP), is supplied by its own solar generation plant and by clean energy purchased on the free market. Inaugurated in 2022, the unit received the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) "Gold" level certificate, one of the most important international seals of sustainability in civil construction.

Public sustainability commitments –  Testing for the use of electric vehicles is part of Lojas Renner's responsible fashion strategy, focused on the development of increasingly innovative and sustainable products and processes. These objectives are expressed in the new cycle of public sustainability commitments announced by the company for the period 2022-2030.

This includes a target submitted and approved by SBTi (Science Based Targets Initiative), which provides for the reduction of absolute CO 2 emissions by 46.2% in operations, based on the 2019 inventory, as well as the emission of 75% less CO 2 2 per piece developed. The objectives are part of the transition to the decarbonization of the business in order to reach climate neutrality (net zero) in 2050.

In the previous cycle of commitments, from 2018 to 2021, the company had already achieved indicators such as 100% of corporate energy consumption supplied from low-impact renewable sources (solar, wind and small hydroelectric plants) and a reduction of 35.4% in absolute corporate CO 2 emissions .