Tesla Will Use Hackers To Defuse Hackers

Technology can often have its own disadvantages: vulnerability to cyber threats and of course hackers is definitely one of them. This has begun to apply to car technologies as well. Vehicle security is crucial and car companies want to ensure that hackers are kept away from their customers.

Tesla Motors in this respect has begun hiring the best hackers in the industry who will be outperforming ones who are not the best hackers in the respective industry. This means that hackers not related to the automotive industry, will not be able to crack codes easily, anymore. The recent programming conference attended by the company (Def Con security conference) in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA was in line with its hacker recruit. Kristin Page, Tesla’s security expert, recruited the automotive industry’s best talent. He was inclined to employ binary code-adroit tech experts.

There arises a possible question as to why is Tesla losing its sleep over this?

Two incidents sparked off such aggressive hire.

In the first case, a Model S owner was able to crack into his own car’s systems and access a non-standardized web browser on the car’s large, 17 inch display central screen. Somehow, Tesla was warned of the incident and ended up sending a warning letter to the car owner, regarding suspension of the vehicle’s warranty if such activities persisted. The customer did comply but this definitely raised some issues.

In the second, one of the most bizarre incidents, a Chinese tech conference called SyScan put up a cash prize of $10,000 challenging tech nerds to hack into the Model S’s computer system to take control of some major and significant functions of the car make. In this contest, one group managed to remotely activate the car’s headlights, horn, and sunroof. Needless to mention , that Tesla was in real anguish. It wanted to secure its electronically dependent vehicles, at the earliest.

Bypassing the computer firewall of the Model S may be more damaging than a non-standardized web browser or let’s say an unruly sunroof. Tesla is a rolling computer that sends updates to the car through the web and this makes it vulnerable to be remotely located, and controlled partially by way of a simple laptop.

Tesla has begun believing in the “know your enemy approach” and is certainly trying to look at preventing hackers from wirelessly taking command on its electronically potent vehicles.

Tesla owners can rest peacefully though since the company is on an anti-dote mission!

